The Coalescent Tourist said to me once "When I was cruel.. I thought it was savvy to take photo of anybody & post them online, do this freaky show of selfish pornification and never consider consequences"
Last autumn in Iran I met a couple mollahs, a young afghani afraid of his own country and the one he took refuge in with his family, a swimming coach operating as an improvised driver and as corrupted as it seems necessary to be, a fantastic guide anybody could avoid but not look for and a few more characters somehow out of the world in a country off the west and still away from the east.
Then I had to come back in glorious Europe or Nobel prized EU, for the sake of money or material subsitence.
And the mean, the bad, the beautiful, unconscious, unaccepted, hypocrital smile and selfishness and other haven't move more than an inch or so since the previous visit.
More cinema, more consumption, paradoxical waste, more uncommitted and irresponsible entertainment than ever, and always more money for self-gratification and a unique sense of cultural bigotry, and this new government delving in hope and made to measure serenity, or a new form of conservatism to reassure a population of "commercant", scroungers, narrow minded contractors, but not to lose its investors if its Depardieu. This is not really a clash, a sincere left turn but just a slight change in the tone and color, and the frenchies overall still seemingly very faithful to their egocentric positions.