Dare to ask how it was , Answer silently. Everything could be fine; What does it mean? You may have a problem with your left hand; What are you talking about ! Homemade cookies. Is there a reason you came to visit? Yes. Which is?.. Valuable enough for you not to know. Why do you say Europe is not part of it? I mean that it isn't part of Europe. Why don't you go "French" off with you f*** ing..? Nope. Could you say that in Russian? Hope though. Why should you ask questions? Because you won't answer. What's wrong with humor? Yourself. Where do you locate it? If not for a share in Europe..? Under the volcano. Can you be less than pointless one minute? It ain't for your own security. Why do you care? I don't. Would you mean Asia isn't that short-sighted? Frankly "frenched up" in Mexico: the late nineteen, it's historical. Are you sure it's worth pinpointing this? The classical beat for gnats under pressure; Cynical after all ? Moths on the window & death camps for pets, it's what you long for too.Where do you go? Hong-Kong. Why? friends across the bay to visit. You're selfish (?!) Really! It doesn't depend on me. Add it up.. Is it what you 'spy about' my country? Totally, slash & edit. So long.. You may have the word! Before that's your last cast & shadow spurt. What do you say about the land? It's no Canada. Sharp! C'mon & tell me what. We have the woods, you've got the fall + sand oil. Have talked with the people? I've never had to. Rush isn't for Russians; Nerve isn't for us. It's for villains. I bet. What? My babooshka has gone to hell. What else? A term in liquor and thecompetence for religion. Aren't you being journalistic? Even though. Free speech? It's a bargain. What about the lividity in the face of the mesh? It's a subordinate clause. can you tell the inspiration!?